I would ask this writer to do a simple experiment. Eat raw meat. It is quite
simple to tear off bits of raw meat using your hands to hold the meat,
gripping a bit in your teeth (blunt or not) and shaking your head sideways,
much as a dog does when tearing a piece off a carcass. Besides, WE have
sharp slicing teeth. I wonder where and when he thinks we got them?

Cooked meat is tougher and harder to eat than raw. Also, most people cut a
chunck of meat with a knife and fork, stick it in their mouth and start
chewing. Usually the piece is too big for easy chewing. Try taking a large
piece of meat, and use your TEETH to prcisely take off just the bit you can
swallow. It is easy and natural, much easier than using a fork. (Of course I
use a knife and fork when the wife is around).

From the little bit we saw in this article, this guy studied monkeys, not
apes. AFAIK there are no ape species in any of the regions he worked in
doing his observations. We know chimps eat meat, and even some large monkeys
like baboons hunt and kill and eat meat. Where is his relevant experience?

I recall when I was a kid, reading that chimps were very hard to breed in
captivity, few pregnancies and lots of still births. Until....they got the
idea to include some meat in their diets. Now breeding chimps is easy. I
recall the article because the source of the meat was so funny. MacDonalds

This guy has serious agenda blindness, probably due to lack of B12 in his

On 12/30/06, William <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 20:06:31 -0500, Wayne Wynn <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >     'Man the Hunter' theory is debunked in new book\
> >     ...
> >
> >     But what Sussman and Hart discovered is that Australopithecus
> >     afarensis was not dentally pre-adapted to eat meat.