original msg.

<<<< original msg.

<<< if a rear case fan is fitted i would have the air removed from rear blowing out of case, the same way the power supply does, as with the cpu fan speed it is a 3 wire lead yes? and pluged into cpu socket correct not into the case fan socket? with the psu fan speed theres no monitor lead in the atx power lead so theres no way to know the speed, look in your mobo bios and adj the shut down temp for your cpu, speed reduction for intel cpu are with the centrino chip for mobile computers not desk top systems, best start would be to lower your inside case temp to as close to the outside temp 21 or less some people like there homes hotter (wont help), also has the heatsink have thermal paste? make sure its a very thin layer, also lapping the bottom of heatsink with wet and dry paper on a sheet off glass will give better contact with cpu...

many thanks, Raymond.yes it is a 3 wire lead plugged into cpu socket. adjustment for temp. in the bios will just sound off an alarm if temp increases beyond set level. the max. available in the setting is 70 C but the software shows a whopping 85/87 C.with the alarm triggered on. it continues to work though. how long......?? i will take your advise on blowing out the air out of the case. no the heat sink has no thermal paste but some sort of rectangular film?? covering.

anyway tks again.---Venkat>>>>

i am feeling very red faced for having foolishly posted with this header without checking thoroughly.

i heard the "clicks" when i pressed the brackets of the heat sink/ booted up and after a couple of days started panicking when the cpu temperature monitor utilities indicated very high temp. and so posted.

now i find that the cpu is sitting at a slight raised angle to the base!!!!

reseated correctly and everything is fine.... BUT how did it boot with an incorrectly seated heat sink....


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