
I live the "back edge" life, always just keeping up by buying stuff that's 
closing out.

I've been using Hotmail for 7 years, and mostly love its utility and 
reliability plus---(and this is important) keeping the same address as I 
contract with different orgs and move on through my life with many exits and 
entrances to its throughway.

I'm currently moving to Windows XP Pro and home, and seem to be having 
trouble making JFW4.51 and JFW7 operate well with Hotmail.  Do you have any 
suggestions?  The other web spaces I've had an opportunity to use seem to 
work well, but I don't seem to be able to get Hotmail working.

1.  The composition of the pages themselves seem to be different than wht 
I'm used to in Windows '98.
2. I do not seem to be able to put things into folders.

3. I get different styles of pages when I go to different messages.
4. Many links either do not appear or are not useful with tabs, I can get to 
them and click on them using the arrow keys and the enter key.

Any suggestions will be helpful.

posting from Emma's Family Farm
Windsor Maine;
Steve Hoad

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