I wonder if someone could help me with a strange phenomenon.  I have run into it before, but forgot how I corrected it.

I lost a hard drive in my RAID array.  For several reasons, decided to replace both drive.  I formated and loaded one drive, then connect both of them to my HPT370 RAID controller, Abit KT7 motherboard, AMD 1100Mhz processor, 972Mb of memory.

The RAID controller only recognizes one drive.  Let me detail, the drive I loaded is drive 1, the "clean" drive drive 2.  I have drive 1 on the primary, drive 2 on the secondary IDE channel, both set as master.  Only drive 1 is recognized.

If I switch the cables, drive 1 to the secondary, drive 2 to the primary channel, drive 1 is recognized on the secondary channel.  If I unplug drive 1 completely, then drive 2 is recognized on whichever channel I have it connect.

I have tried formating, not formating both drives.  I have set both active, neither active, tried both primary and secondary configurations,  almost any variable I can imagine, always the same anomily.  I can access and work with either drive when they are recognized, one at a time, but both are not recognized together.

As I mentioned, I encountered this before, but over a year ago, also with two new drives, but forgot what I did, or did not do to solve the issue.

Help!  Does anyone have any thoughts.

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