<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I missed Emerisle's question about celiac savvy MDs in Seattle.  His one 
respondant is correct.  NDs (naturopathic physicians) are generally more 
well versed in the issues of celiac disease than conventional MDs.  My 
husband & I see Katie Data ND in Fife, WA.  She's great.  I used to see Dr. 
Patrick Donovan ND in Seattle.  He's very good, but his bedside manner could 
use some refinement.  Almost any ND in western Washington would be very 
helpful as most were trained at Bastyre University, a celaic savvy medical 
school in Seattle.

But, for MDs in western Washington, I'm most familiar with Thomas Dorman MD, 
in Federal Way.   He is very, VERY knowledgeable in celiac disease.  I went 
to work for him after he helped me so much with chronic health problems I'd 
been suffering for years.  He really knows his onions when it comes to 
celiac disease & all sorts of other chronic illnesses.  He's a holistic MD, 
who specializes in nutritional medicine & helping the chronically ill who've 
dropped out of conventional medicine for lack of results.  In our area Dr. 
Dorman is one of those doctors of last resort.  His treatments get results 
when no one else's can.  What's funny about my relationship with Dr. Dorman, 
is that while I worked for him some years ago, he had a more limited 
understanding of celiac disease.  He & I had a small conflict when it came 
to celiac disease.  I believed it was more prevalent & important than he 
acknowledged.  He often couseled me to back off the gluten issue, because he 
didn't want to turn into a "gluten ghuru" like Dr. Mercola.  Before I left 
his employ, I introduced him to Dr. Fine in Dallas, TX.  After getting 
acquainted with Dr. Fine's tests, Dr. Dorman began ordering all his 
chronically ill patients to get tested for celiac disease.  After pursueing 
this course for several years, he found that 80% of his chronically ill 
patients came up positive for gluten sensitivity w/ malabsorption (Dr. 
Fine's equivalent diagnostic term for celiac disease).  And every single one 
of these patients who went GF, experienced significant improvements in their 
health.  He's now a big proponent of the GF diet for almost every 
chronically ill person.  He told me earlier this year that before seeing so 
many of his patients improve through the GF diet, he didn't know how "huge" 
celiac disease really is.  Then he offered me my old job back!  HA! Talk 
about validation!  (Dr. Dorman is nearing retirement, so if anyone wants to 
see him, I'd advise haste.  Last I heard, he is training a young MD to take 
over his practice.)

Valerie, RN in Tacoma

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