elections have a way of suprising everyone. it is
about two months and a lot can happen and sometimes
does. but, i can't argue with how it looks at this
moment in time. losing the house might just be good
for the republicans in the long run. speaker polosi,
hemmm. and john conyers investigating bush. can't be
stonewalled anyway. might be interesting. 

what did your governor do to get a state lottery?  

--- Kathleen Salkin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The conservatives might find themselves at a
> standstill in the House  
> come November:
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14703848/
> I'm willing to bet that the LDS will make sure to
> keep their church  
> out of it, at least on a national level.  Honestly,
> folks here in NC  
> don't really care about Mormons; they care more
> about our governor  
> and how he pushed the state lottery through last
> year by taking  
> advantage of a sneaky legislative loophole!
> Kat
> -----------------------
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