[Presented to the list because it may intereste some readers. Don't assume
that I agree or disagree with the article.]

Although it is not a scientific article, the following editorial that appeared
in yesterday's "San Francisco Chronicle" newspaper may be of interest to 
list members:

An organic foods dilemma
They're mass-produced by agribiz but better than eating poisons

Ann Cooper, Kate Adamick

San Francisco Chronicle (major local newspaper)
Sunday, August 6, 2006, pg. E3

Full-text freely available at:

PS a related note: in a recent interview, Michael Pollan, author of the book
"The Omnivore's Dilemma", criticized organics as being 'drenched in diesel
fuel',  which highlights the fact that organic production is concentrated in
California, leading some consumers to choose shipped-organic over locally grown

Tom Billings