My Dad grew up on a dairy farm in Milford Michigan and he told me some miracle cow stories.  One was:
On Christmas eve my dad and uncle got up around mid-night because my grandfather told them that the cows always pray on Christmas Eve at mid-night.  So they went out to the barn and sure enough all the cows were on there knees praying. They were moewing quietly and a few were swaying their heads.
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi guys!
> I read about a very interesting miracle, from a book called Their Mysterious
> Ways, which was compiled by Phyllis Hobe. It's a collection of stories
> about how God used animals to help people. Those of you who are patrons of
> the Martha Arney Library can read this book from there.
> Like Phil often says, if I told you this story, you wouldn't believe it.
> (grin) Oh don't worry; I won't leave you in suspense this time. Here goes:
> I did not hear the author's name very clearly, but it sounded like
> "Cathleen", so that's the name I'll use.
> Cathleen grew up on a dairy farm, where she had to help milk the cows twice
> a day. The cows needed to be milked, even when t hey were sick, but the milk
> of these cows would be poured out. One time, when Cathleen was about 16,
> she had to do the milking alone. There were 5 infected cows at the time.
> All the cows had numbered tags attached to their ear in order to keep track
> of them. Her dad had given her a list of the 5 cows that needed to be
> separated from the rest of the herd for milking. this would be a difficult
> task for just one person, as cows are not like horses that can easily be
> lead where they need to go. she wished that her siblings were there to
> help. The idea came to her that god cares about every aspect of our lives,
> so maybe she could ask for His help. With the list of numbers in one hand
> and the other hand raised, she called out, "In the name of the Lord Jesus
> Christ, will the following cows please step forward: numbers 2, 11, 17, 32,
> and 49!" As soon as she finished speaking, she hea rd a rustling sound
> toward the back of the herd, and 5 cows came forward! Some of the other
> cows even stepped aside to let them pass! she read the numbers. Sure
> enough, they were numbers 2, 11, 17, 32, and 49! All the cows continued to
> cooperate while the separation took place. God was indeed looking out for
> her, and, as she learned, He has a sense of humor too. perhaps He winked.
> Sharon