Robert > Your experiment is only going to be three weeks -- I presume
you're going to make the dietary switch much sooner?  Three weeks isn't
long enough to switch fully from carb-burning to fat-burning if you are
just starting to experiment with the idea.

1) I'm really *not* just starting to experiment with the idea.  I am
already at least partially in ketosis and have been so on and off for
five years. The difference is that I've never consciously limited my
*protein* intake.  

2) The participants in Phinney's two studies showed up never having
consumed a low carb diet, much less a protein-controlled one.  I
believe I can switch to fat burning mode more readily than they could,
but we'll see if limiting protein takes an adaptation.  Even if this is
not the case -- the the body doesn't become more efficient at making the
switch --  Phinney's participants showed a drop off in performance after
one week after which they rapidly improved.  Three weeks ought to be
enough to see the turnaround effect even if there is no difference
between them and me.  Perhaps I will need to extend the experiment to
get more conclusive results.

R > When I've been on ketogenic diets in the past, it's been harder to
lift as much weight for as many reps as when I've got at least some

I *believe* that is not the case for me.  I've certainly improved --
almost off the chart -- on the paleo diet.  Let's see if moderate
protein and low carb allows me the same level of performance.  Remember
I'm not looking for performance improvement, I'm looking to be able to
perform at the same level as before.

R > However, during all of my previous ketogenic periods, I've also been
cutting calories, which usually tends to have the same effect. I was
also doing three workouts a week for 30 to 45 minutes instead of two at
20 minutes.
I am going to track calories and my weight but have no plans to lose (or
gain) weight.  I am simply going to go zero carbs, limit my protein
intake to about 100g/day, and consume unlimited healthy fats to
