On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:22, Dr. Ron Hoggan wrote:

>I read, I think it was in _The Garden of Eating_, that one of the ways the
>body maintains a constant ph is to remove calcium from the bones, using it
>to buffer increasing acidity.
>I'm not so sure it is a sham.
>Best Wishes,
>Ron Hoggan
>>The body never allows itself to deviate much from a certain acidity no
>>matter what you eat....
>>It's a sham in my opinion.
>>>Do you follow
>>> these guidelines as Cordain suggests or do you think
>>> it's a sham?

I'm with Ron. Cordain is not talking about the acidity 
of food, but of the net acid load on the kidneys. 
Lots happens to food between the mouth and the kidneys, 
including the addition of acid to it when it's in the stomach. 
I don't know enough about human physiology to say for sure,
but I would guess that you could not predict the net acid load 
on the kidneys solely by testing the pH of the food.
