Good news Amy and good luck I hope it all works out for you. 
Father in Heaven thank you for providing for Amy.  continue to be with her and bless her exboyfreind.  And if your will put a nice christian man in Amy's life.  You know what she needs and wants thank you Jesus in your precious name we pray.  Amen
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Amy Gordon <[log in to unmask]>
Hi all,
    I just wanted to give you an update on me.  Well, I'm no longer working on my relationship with my ex boyfriend.  He decided he wanted to see what happens with him and another girl.  I did find out that the job I'm waiting on may be a little longer if I get it because they haven't switched over computers yet or whatever they are doing.  It wont get done until August now and training wont start until sometime then.  I am going to the DFB for training with Window Eyes since that is what I'll use if I get the job.  So please pray that the Lord's will be done in this.  I'm really hoping it works out so I can move out and get a start on my own.