Bles your heart Angel.  I am glad you are back and we are here for you.  I commend you for taking care of your husband til the end.  I know God has a special blessing for you and now your husband is free and enjoying his mansion in Heaven.  You are a real loving person it shows in what you have done for him.  

Father in Heaven we thank you for being with Angel and conforting her in this time.  Continue to keep your arms around her and giving her your peace that passes all understanding.  We thank you for this Jesus in your precious name we pray Amen

Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed 
> the Ten Commandments? 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is 

Karen Carter '74 
-KC- Ministries 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Angel <[log in to unmask]> 

A voice from the past.  A lot has happened since last I wrote.  My e-mail wasn't working.  I thought I would need help fixing it.  I got tired of feeling incompetent so I decided to try to fix it myself.  I was successful which proves I am not quite as stupid as I thought.  I have some sad news to tell you all.  May 21 my husband died.  I suppose it was for the best.  I began feeding him with a baby bottle, and he became unable to suck from that so I had resigned myselfto the idea I would have to put him into a nursing home after all.  I was going to check into nursing homes that very day when I went to try to feed him, and found him dead.  It took me a while to admit to myself he was really dead.  I thought he was just comatose and only needed to be taken to the hospital.  The paramedics told me he was dead and at last I had to admit he was.  My son was rather stoic but you never know how another really takes a thing like that.  The service was really nice.  His beep ball team was
 there as well as some from his childhood neighborhood.  One of our friends even came straight from the hospital to be there.  I was very touched by that gesture.  I trust you all missed me while I was gone and not much stirring happened while I was gone.  I would ask your prayers though as I am still coming to terms with the loss.