I guess everyone is different on how much fruit they can or cannot eat
without creating cravings for sugary items.

I still limit my carbohydrate intake to under 100 grams daily, as this has
proven to be the best appetite suppressant for me.  Within that limit, I eat
a lot of vegetables and fruits and some nuts and seeds.

We humans are often not very rational.  It is rare that we can say to
ourselves "That is bad for me so I'll never eat it again even though eating
it is pleasurable".  I have found for myself that the longer I practice
eating in a healthy manner the easier it becomes.  I have become habituated
to eating well, and I rarely think about eating any other way at this point.
HOWEVER, for me, it took years to reach this point.  I did not give up on
myself, and I don't think anyone else struggling should give up on
themselves either.  We are all different.  Some of us can make drastic
changes more readily than others.

-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Jane Sargeant

  ...... I was feeling such a failure having just eaten chocolate swiss roll
that I don't even like simply for the sugar hit !!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I get
so mad at myself for eating rubbish that I know is poison to my body  You
have given me real hope of a)the cravings getting less & less b)losing 40lbs
c)healing from toxins.