Hi, Paleo-list folks -

I'm returning to the list after a few years absence.

My story: Back in around 2003, I started eating paleo after reading 
"Neanderthin" and lost about 70 pounds.  I went from being a flabby, sick, 
plus-size 30-something woman to being very lean, very fit, and healthy in 
about a year.  I found it hard to eat paleo (difficult to find paleo 
products in stores, time-consuming to prepare paleo meals, and eating at 
restaurants and social functions meant abstaining from almost everything) 
but on the other hand, I never felt so healthy or so in control of my life, 
either, as I did when I was eating paleo.  Not only did I lose the excess 
weight/flab I'd been carrying around for most of my life, but I was finally 
free of the aches and sinus allergies that had plagued me for years.  (And 
as sort of an added unexpected bonus, after I went paleo I would tan instead 
of burning in the sun.)  Unfortunately, I started "cheating" on the paleo 
diet and gained back about 20 pounds over 2 years.  And now, after 1 year of 
marriage to my low-fat, high-carb "Standard American Diet" husband (who, I 
should point out, is wonderful in all respects except for some of his food 
choices), I'm downright fat again and pretty sad myself (and, not 
coincidentally, badly sunburnt).

Also, I'm pregnant with my first child and living near Santa Barbara, 
California, now.  Anyone have any advice to share on any of these many 

Eating paleo while pregnant/nursing?
Eating paleo when your significant other's food choices include a lot of 
Paleo-friendly doctors or businesses in the Santa Barbara area?

My plan is to try to gradually transition back to eating paleo -- sort of 
the reverse of what I've done over the past few years.  (Switch from dairy 
milk to almond milk in my coffee, cut back on breads and pasta while 
increasing the vegetables and fruit).  I favor a gradual approach because I 
don't want to upset the household and most of all, I don't want to make any 
drastic changes while pregnant.

I am especially concerned that I just won't have the willpower to avoid 
chips, chocolate, bread/crackers, ice cream, etc if it is right here in my 
own home, accessible to me.  When I was successfully paleo years ago, I just 
didn't have any of it around, and I'd physically avoid it at parties; if I 
went to a restaurant that brought out chips and salsa as an appetizer, I'd 
move them out of my reach, because even an absent-minded bite of a corn chip 
would start cravings.  Back then, I found that if I had any in my home I 
would tend to binge on it, so I just didn't have any non-paleo food around 
-- but that isn't an option for me now.

Looking forward to being part of the paleo listserv community again.  Thanks 
in advance for any advice or encouragement.

- Kathy