Father in Heaven we ask that you continue to be with Phil and his family.  Open Gretchen's eyes.  And continue to reach out to her.  In your precious name we pray Amen
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> I had a talk, if that is what you call it, with my daughter tonight. I told
> her that I was fed up with her lies, life style, and disregard for her own
> children. I made it very clear, that if the police came to my house with a
> search warrant and found drugs, or drug paraphernalia, in my house, she best
> run for the nearest door. Additionally, I told her, that if she ever got
> stopped by the cops, and many in this neighborhood know her by sight, and
> she has her grandchildren with her, and I end up having to come down to the
> station, or to social services to get them, I am going to be the maddest
> father she has ever seen on planet earth. These comments, by the way, are
> based on things I haven't even mentioned o n echurch because I can't even
> keep up with all that has been happening. Regardless, I decided she is
> moving out so please pray we get a replacement renter because we definitely
> need the money. At the same time, and I know this sounds weird, I feel I am
> very close to something unique in my life. I can't explain it now, it
> wouldn't make sense if I did, but spiritually, even today, the Holy Spirit
> was showing me some things I still do not clearly understand. Yes, my anger
> was apparent today but for the first time in a long time, it felt like
> controlled anger, that is, righteous anger. I don't recall if I ever told
> the story on here when I felt the anger of God as I prayed about a
> particular situation, and I won't now because it is long, but maybe some
> day. You don't ever want to be around when you feel the anger and wrath of
> God, take my word for it. I told Gretchen tonight, if she thinks I am mad
> and fed up with her lying, imagine what the Creator of the universe is
> feeling. I told her, He was sad but that He wasn't going to sit around and
> let her mock His name when He was trying to reach her. So, your prayers for
> all of us at the Scovell family would be appreciated. No wonder I couldn't
> sleep for diddly last night.
> Phil.
> Has He Ever Crossed Your Mind?
> www.SafePlaceFellowship.com