Praise the Lord.  Father in Heaven thank you for already knowing which neurologist  Dave and Wendy will need for Amber.  Thank you for this Jesus in your precious name we pray Amen

Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed 
> the Ten Commandments? 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is 

Karen Carter '74 
-KC- Ministries 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> 

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dave & Wendy Adamson" 
> To: "Phil Scovell" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:29 AM 
> Subject: Update for Amber Adamson Thursday, May 18, 6:30pm 
> The good news first. Amber did fantastic for her MRI contrast on 
> Wednesday. The doctors could not believe how calm she was. It turned out 
> to be closer to 30 minutes that she was in the MRI tube. Amber didn't even 
> cough once the whole time. When the Russian nurse came in to give her the 
> contrast injection, Amber didn't cry. She didn't even flinch. The doctors 
> were dumbfounded that a 7 year old girl could remain so calm and quiet 
> inside the MRI tube for 30 minutes. PTL! After the test, Amber got up and 
> was happy, joyful and hopping around. She said more than once that she even 
> liked the loud noises the MRI machine made when she was sitting still 
> inside. You wouldn't think she was sick. She was her usual bouncy, happy 
> self. 
> Later that day we went to pick up the results. The German technician 
> who spoke a little English said that the tests came back normal. He even 
> showed me in his American Brain Encyclopedia a picture of a normal Pineal 
> Gland with a cyst. He was just being helpful. I appreciated his kindness. 
> He is not a trained neurologist and could not give me a professional 
> diagnosis, but he could see that there was no blood in the cyst. That was 
> the important part. PTL! 
> Later that same day, our friend, Dr. Reinert, looked at the results and 
> said that they looked good. He was encouraged that the MRI results were 
> clear, there was no blood in the cyst and the results could be interpreted 
> by his Neurologist contact in Norway. 
> A couple days prior we had contacted our insurance agency about what to 
> do. We asked for a western trained neurologist in the region. They 
> suggested that Amber be medically evacuated to Delhi, India this coming 
> Saturday. They made reservations on a local airline for Wendy and Amber. 
> We were incouraged by that because we have close friends who live near the 
> hospital in Delhi. I checked on their web site and they had all the 
> equipment, doctors and departments we were looking for. My friend said that 
> a Westerner recently had brain surgery there and it went really well. 
> The evacuation insurance company was in a hurry for our doctor to make a 
> decision that day. We still had not processed our visas for India though. 
> This was a small oversight on the evacuation insurance company's part. It 
> typically takes 5 days, but they can do a rush in medical situations. We 
> can't blame them. It's not every day they meet an American who has lived in 
> Almaty 6 years and needs to be evacuated to India. We are greatful for the 
> insurance we do have though. It's a wonderful blessing. It's often hard to 
> watch many sick people in Asia without any help or hope for their medical 
> condition. 
> Dr. Reinert was asking that we wait to hear back from his neurologist 
> contact in Norway after he had emailed the contrast MRI images. I thought 
> about how I am often tempted to just make a decision about something even 
> when I know the answer, but I wanted to hear what God wanted us to do. So I 
> asked God to speak to me about what to do. I heard the Lord say, "Wait, 
> just one more day." I'm glad I took that advice because we met with Dr. 
> Reinert today and he got the results back from the Norwegian neurologist. 
> He said that everything looked good. 
> So, the good news is that there seems to be no problem connected with 
> this cyst on Amber's Pineal Gland. The problem was that we still did not 
> have a diagnosis for Amber's episodes. In the clinic, another western 
> doctor advised us to return to the US to meet with a neurologist to take 
> another EEG test. Our doctor and the insurance company talked and they are 
> recommending that Wendy and Amber go to the US for more testing. They are 
> waiting approval from the insurance case director and should hear the final 
> plans for travel by this Friday morning (Almaty time), Thursday evening 
> (Denver time). 
> We want to thank the Lord for the newly opened (2 months running) 
> Western clinic, IMC, which is only 10 minutes from our house. All of the 
> doctors and staff there are Christian. They have been a great encouragement 
> to us. Dr. Reinert is one of the doctors in that clinic. He worked closely 
> with us in training and sending Ks to the Far East from 2001-2003. He and 
> his wife were a huge blessing when our apartment caught on fire in 2000. 
> They housed , fed our family, helped us with cleaning the soot off all our 
> things and helped us move into a new apartment, all within 48 hours. 
> Dave, Wendy, Ruthie and Amber 
> Praise: 
> 1. Amber did great! 
> 2. We have good MRI test results. 
> 3. The MRI results came back negative. 
> Prayer: 
> 1. That we would be directed to a neurologist in Littleton who can give us 
> an accurate diagnosis for Amber. 
> 2. Safe travel for Wendy and Amber 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---- 