Thanks for the update.  Keep us posted.  And you know God is with you.  Thank you Jesus continue to keep your hand on this family and be with the doctors who will be working with Amber.  Thank you Jesus in your precious name we pray.   Amen
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave & Wendy Adamson" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:29 PMSubject: Update for Amber Adamson Sat, May
> 20, 6:30am
> Wow! So much can change in 24 hours!
> I went to bed Thursday night thinking Amber and I would be on a plane to
> Colorado the next day. But after Dave checked in with them Friday morning
> they said the Finance director vetoed the US evacuation plan. Instead they
> were going to send Amber and I to Paris! We don't know anyone in Paris.
> Evidently there are no Pediatric Neurologists in Delhi and Paris was the
> closest option. So we contacted friends in town familiar with Par is to get
> more info. We found out a low end hotel there costs $200 per night!
> Housing and food are out of pocket expenses for us not covered by our
> insurance. We had no peace about this.
> So in the morning, we decided to make an offer to the insurance company.
> Would they reimburse the price of the tickets to Paris but we'd fly to
> Colorado and pick up the cost difference. They said they would consider it
> but that the man with the decision making power would not be available until
> evening our time. Dave did a great job researching ticket prices and found
> a flight to Denver that was cheaper than what the insurance company was
> finding us to Paris. He submitted our price quotes and requested that the
> insurance company pick up the full price of our tickets to America because
> we could do it cheaper on our own than they could to Paris. It was a
> tedious waiting time and last n ight at 8:30pm we found out they accepted our
> offer and will pay the whole cost for us to evacuate to Denver. So Amber
> and I arrive in Denver late afternoon on Monday. Our current tickets have us
> returning to Almaty June 13th. That gives us about 3 weeks to get the help
> we need. We'll be staying with Dave's mom in Littleton. Our phone number
> there is 303 904 3673.
> We've been on a ride. So much emotion, uncertainty, but there's been an
> underlying peace in it all. We've been so very blessed by all the prayer
> support here in Kazakstan and around the world. We can tell we have been
> covered with prayer. Thank you! Thank you !
> Amber still has cough but is in good spirits. Ruthie is really bummed
> not to be able to go to Denver. She's not looking forward to being apart
> from us that long. She's feeling the effects of everyone paying attention to
> Amber and feeling overlooked a nd forgotten. We need wisdom how to love her
> through this as well. However she has begun to give me a list of the items
> she'd like me to bring back for her. My sweet husband is very tired and
> weary. He has offered his strength for our family in such a God honoring
> way, seeking God's face through this whole thing. I'm so very proud of him
> and feel well loved by him. He needs rest. Maybe after we leave town he'll
> be able to put his feet up for a while! I feel like I've been stretched by
> a taffy pulling machine emotionally, physically and spiritually. But I have
> an overall sense of well being. I'm tired and looking forward to getting on
> that plane.
> Resting in His Arms,
> Wendy Dave amber and Ruthie
> Praise:
> 1. The Insurance company will pay the whole cost for us to evacuate to
> Denver
> 2. We get to be Colorado for Father's Day
> 3. We'll act ually be getting on to a plane early Monday morning.
> Prayer:
> 1. That we would be directed to a neurologist in Littleton who can give us
> an accurate diagnosis for Amber.
> 2. Safe travel for Wendy and Amber
> 3. Rest for Dave
> 4. Comfort for Ruthie while our family is in different places
> 5. Perseverance and strength for Wendy in tying up loose ends and packing
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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