Hi Brad that moment of darkness was probably from satan because he is mad that Andy is doing so good because of us leaning on God and praying and he is mad that God has the victory.  And Andy will be ok.  

Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed 
> the Ten Commandments? 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is 

Karen Carter '74 
-KC- Ministries 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]> 

> Yes, miraculous though it is, just the early stages. We are sure praying 
> with you. 
> Vicki 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "BD" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 8:30 PM 
> Subject: Re: Andy update Sunday 
> > Thanks Vicki and all for your continued prayer. I hope he does recognize 
> > me too but I have to remind myself he has had severe trauma and it is only 
> > two weeks to the day the accident happened. I've been praying for him 
> > nearly every spare minute I found myself in today, and as well tonight 
> > while doing some office stuff. I began to be very sad envisioning this 
> > bright and witty young man with his whole life ahead of him, reduced to 
> > such struggles and I pray very fervently that he is granted a full 
> > recovery to live a normal life and not that of a childlike mentality or 
> > capabilities. Perhaps I entered a moment of fear but it hit me like a dark 
> > cloud. I continue to pray through and for him. Thanks again for all the 
> > prayers and although I'm not responding to all the other requests I have 
> > been praying too. Trying to keep up with email and such. 
> > 
> > Brad 
> > 
> > 
> > on 06:52 PM 5/8/2006, Vicki and The Rors said: 
> > 
> > Praying still. Sounds like he is really coming along. Hope you are able 
> > to 
> > see him and that he does recognize you. Keep us posted. 
> > 
> > Vicki 
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "BD" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:53 PM 
> > Subject: Andy update Sunday 
> > 
> > 
> > > I called Andy's mom. Here is the latest update. They took him for a 
> > walk 
> > > down the long hallway, and he did very good. Leaned a little to one 
> > side 
> > > but overall very good. They have him sitting up a lot. His head wrap is 
> > > off. They have him strapped in the chair when he is up so he doesn't 
> > hurt 
> > > himself somehow. He is very loopy yet from the meds and it is uncertain 
> > > yet if he recognizes people or not. His fiance brought in his one year 
> > > old son but he didn't respond much. Andy does talk although not 
> > always 
> > > making sense. He knows his mom but that might be because she has 
> > referred 
> > > herself to him as mom so often. He knows his name and birth date but 
> > can't 
> > > remember why he is in the hospital. He gets agitated some and will say 
> > > stuff like... "Mom I need to sit down" when he is sitting down but 
> > then 
> > > puts his pillow on the bed. They think his reference to sitting down is 
> > > him meaning he wants to put his feet on the bed while sitting in the 
> > > chair. They said he has a lot of bruising of the brain in the frontal 
> > > area, which controls behavior. Bruising is not repairable in the brain 
> > and 
> > > we can only hope it isn't too severe. I guess the nurses well know he 
> > > remembers how to toss out expletives, but they say this is common in 
> > head 
> > > injuries. His mom said he will sit and he is a bit anxious trying to 
> > lean 
> > > forward and reposition himself and etc. The nurses said when he goes 
> > for a 
> > > walk he is very content afterwards so the exercise and just getting out 
> > of 
> > > bed or the chair probably helps. We just continue to pray his brain 
> > isn't 
> > > damaged to a point of not being able to function but in all our 
> > wishing, 
> > > we have to remember it hasn't even been two weeks since his accident 
> > and 
> > > he is doing great in recovery. They are getting him ready to go to 
> > another 
> > > floor, the floor to begin rehabilitation. Andy has a pretty big hole 
> > in 
> > > one elbow they need to do surgery on, as well a couple cracked collar 
> > > bones they need to fix up. Then they figured about 3 to 4 surgeries on 
> > his 
> > > head which they'll do last. I am going to head over there Wednesday 
> > night 
> > > and get in late and hopefully Thursday go see him if not on the 
> > weekend. I 
> > > plan to go in and not tell him who I am to see if he recognizes me. 
> > Then 
> > > I'm going to grab his hand and pray with, or for, him, perhaps silently 
> > as 
> > > to not cause him distress if he can't understand what I'm saying, 
> > we'll 
> > > see. I appreciate your continued prayer for him for a full recovery. 
> > They 
> > > indicated there will be a time when he will have need for assisted 
> > living 
> > > facility as he'll be too healthy for the hospital but not well enough 
> > to 
> > > care for himself without supervision. Oh and they took the feeding tube 
> > > off and he is eating well with a good appetite, I believe they are 
> > feeding 
> > > him and he is not yet feeding himself. So that is the update for now. I 
> > > was thinking of bringing him a new fishing rod and reel because Andy 
> > > loves fishing, but I'm not sure that would be good yet. If I knew he 
> > was 
> > > understanding everything, I thought it would be a neat thing for him to 
> > > look on leaning in the corner of his room as incentive to bust out one 
> > > day, but he's got a way to go yet. 
> > > 
> > > Brad 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 