<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Extra Extra Read All About It... The NEW, EXPANDED EDITION of
Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide is hot off the press!
Almost double in size of previous editions, this 336 page book features:

* Detailed information about foods/ingredients allowed, to question and
to avoid
* Latest breaking news on oats including position statements from celiac
organizations and treatment centers around the world
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name and package size
* Directory of more than 190 American, Canadian and international
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* Creative ideas for meals and snacks including a 7 day menu
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To learn more about the book including reviews and ordering information
see www.glutenfreediet.ca

The book can also be purchased from gluten-free specialty companies and

Celiac groups and others can purchase the book at a volume discount
rate. Contact Case Nutrition Consulting at:
[log in to unmask] 
Phone 306-751-1000 

Shelley Case, B. Sc., RD
Case Nutrition Consulting, www.glutenfreediet.ca 
Author: Gluten Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide
Co-Author: Celiac Section, Manual of Clinical Dietetics, American
Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada 
Medical Advisory Board: Celiac Disease Foundation, Gluten Intolerance
Group, Canadian Celiac Association 
Advisory Board: Living Without Magazine
EMail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (306) 536-7716     Fax: (306) 751-1000

* Send administrative questions to mailto:[log in to unmask] *
Archives are at: Http://Listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?LIST=CELIAC