----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank Suszka" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [PCBUILD] Unusual request

> Lewis Emerson wrote:
>>I've tried to get her interested in getting the computer out to the 
>>home to use again (it'd made such a tremendous difference in her life
>>earlier), but she seems not interested.  I know that she's afraid that 
>>be stolen from, and that it might be awkward to use her desktop machine
>>from a bed or a wheelchair, but I'm trying to think of some way.....
All I can do is tell you of my experience when I to go into a nursing home. 
I purchased a Dell notebook just for those wonderful occasions when I have 
to be in a home for a some problem. I took my Dell and had no problems with 
electrical or theft. The nursing home would for no cost hook me up with 
their internet connection and put virus protection on the notebook and it 
would take about a day for their Rec Therapists to install everything. Now I 
didn't want their AOL so what I did was get a dial-up service for the time I 
was in-house, they had no problem with this, now I was only in for a month 
this last time and I used the free service that came with the notebook but I 
see no reason why you couldn't do something like this for her. Now I don't 
know much about security but I had no problems, but couldn't you insure the 
notebook or find out what kind of theft prevention the nursing home has?

Good Luck,
Lynn Kucera 

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