Dennis Duke's post (clipped)

<<<< I have an Emachine running Windows XP Home. Once in a while - fortunately,
infrequently - my keyboard will go away. The computer (or Windows operating
system) can't see it and the only way I can get things back to normal is to
reboot the machine. I have been unable to figure out if it is related to a
specific program or not, as I said it doesn't happen very often.>>>>


presuming it is a ps2 keyboard, to me it definitely appears to be a "contact" problem between the female adapter on the motherboard and the corresponding male pins in the keyboard adapter.a pin or two could be slightly bent or one of the slots in the mobo adapter could have become slightly enlarged. but this happens only when there is very frequent removal and reconnection of the key board.

i would suggest you closely scrutinise the contacts and if possible borrow a keyboard and try it out.

HTH and  good luck----Venkat

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