Mr. Mboge:

Well said!! I think it is about time for someone to let this people (NADD) 
they are fooling themselves.  The remains of NADD is just PDOIS and NDAM. I 
do not think they stand a chance to even win an Alkaloship election much 
more a presidency.
We call on the leadership of the NADD to wake up from their dreams.  Ain't 
no time for dreaming.


>From: Lamin Mboge <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:36:29 -0700
>kujabi, as you rightly stateded PDOIS/[NADD}  this is
>how the electorates are seeing this so call NADD
>Many expected them to amend their MOU hence all the
>credible parties have left and remain PDOIS and the
>one man party NDAM. It is a shame for PDOIS/(NADD}
>they still now call themselves NADD after three
>parties leaving.
>The real NADD was composed of five political parties
>that all gambians know of but how can Halifa , OJ and
>Waa  claim NADD is still in tact. Who are they
>fooling? themselves.
>For Kemesseng, it is only the crazy person who will
>think he is 100% PDOIS/{NADD} . One do not need to
>wait to be told. Kemesseng is among the founders of
>UDP in Jarra central for that matter it is the same
>people in Jarra who voted for him when he got
>nominated under the then NADD with the UDP in NADD. It
>is really funny to see people who have no political
>knowledge of gambian politics talking gabbage about
>people elected  under NADD.
>Time will tell, when Halifa himself go back to Sere
>Kunda and seek to be reelected under PDOIS /{NADD} the
>people will know the reality.
>Your analysis on the Kombo East by-elections is
>accurate, valid and in line with what is on the ground
>according to the constituency opinion leaders.
>LL Mboge
>--- "Pa.Saikou Kujabi" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Mr. Conteh,
> >
> > I can assure  you that there is no PDOIS(NAAD)threat
> > for UDP candidate in Kombo East Constituency in the
> > upcoming election.  I am not aware of any
> > candidate running for that seat.  By the way, the
> > UDP
> > candidate Lamin Darboe is from Pirang and not Faraba
> > Banta. NAAD is not in existence in Kombo East. No
> > PDOIS(NAAD) candidate can ever be a threat in any of
> > the constituencies in the entire country.  Is Lamin
> > Touray running for election? Do you know that the so
> > called PDOIS(NAAD) member Lamin Touray( Charlie)
> > vigorously seeked UDP sponsorship and until he lost
> > the bid to Lamin Darboe in a proper selection
> > process
> > last Sunday .  Charlie and his delegation led by
> > Latiff Sanyang, asserted that he Lamin Touray
> > becomes
> > a NAAD member when he is in Serrekunda and put on
> > his
> > original UDP colors back on when he is in Kombo
> > East.
> > You tell me now which serious politician will
> > sponsor
> > a candidate that owes allegiance to two political
> > parties.  Besides, Charlie is not known in that
> > constituency at all.  Even if he happen to run for
> > PDOIS(NAAD)which I very much doubt, he will
> > undoubtedly embarrass himself by trailing far behind
> > Lamin Darboe and/or Morrio Jarju should Morrio be
> > selected by the APRC.  Kombo East seat can go to
> > UDP,
> > only God knows.  All we are doing is contesting for
> > the seat, period.  Lets wait and see who will get
> > nominated tomorrow.  Notwithstanding, a PDOIS(NAAD)
> > candidate will certainly lose his/her deposit to the
> > I.E.C.  I think PDOIS(NAAD) will not want to test
> > their popularity in a constituency where PDOIS has
> > never contested in any Parliamentary elections since
> > its formation twenty five years ago.  PDOIS(NAAD) is
> > in total disarray and no one seem to see the
> > writings
> > on the walls.  You must not be surprised when Waa
> > Juwara abandons NAAD in a very near future and start
> > sending missiles at his old comrades.  Its just a
> > matter of time.
> >
> > Pa. Saikou Kujabi.
> >
> >
> >
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