Please refer to your subject line.  When you address people in that manner 
be it somewhere or this noble list, do not expect to be treated serious with 
anything, I mean anything you will have to say.  I say no more 


>From: ams boye <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 01:02:07 +0100
>Oh! welcome, Tunkara welcome to the show. I never knew what i wrote was 
>entirely gabbage and thanks for letting me know. And i hope you`ll realize 
>so soon that you are infact a trash, for receiving my gabbage.
>   All am tellin your comerade here is that he needs to deal with the issue 
>with Joe in a constructive way for the benefit of all here. And if you are 
>oppossed to "ugly name calling" i guess you need to be sorting it out with 
>Conteh and not Me. Where were you when he threw tribalist and damaging 
>comments to this gentleman Joe? My comments were not personal. Were they? 
>So where are you driving towards, Conteh knew very well that i responded to 
>what he wrote about Joe in an objective way and within the boundries of 
>constructive engagement. If not why didn`t he throw a response, but instead 
>you have the guts to, on his behalf.
>   I don`t know who Conteh is neither am i aware of his "credentials and 
>accomplishments" as u state it, but all i know is that Joe is a man of 
>substance and intergrity and that he have done something for Gambia. 
>Haven`t he? And you are yet to reveal to us those of mr Conteh, so just go 
>on with the assignment. Will you?
>   By the way what "good Gambian manners are you talking about"? I f Conteh 
>possesed any would he have encountered the gentleman the way he did, and i 
>even question if you even posses any of these manners you`re bubbling 
>Lang Tunkara <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   Conteh:
>Please do not get yourself in this garbage. We have many serious things
>affecting us, our nation than to get ourselves into this ugly name calling.
>You may not be the football star from saint augustine, the young african
>zone two player, but yourself and those around you very well know who you
>are, your credentials, and accomplishments. The Gambia-L is not the place
>to show off about that. Just be your humble self and do the things that you
>do, and do them well. God watches all of us.
>What is important now is how to fix the state of things in the Gambia. How
>can we as people and citizens help to bring sanity to the nations is the 
>issue we need to be focusing on.
>Please, please, please, ignore those who engage in personal attack,
>especially those who come with such foul languages. I wonder what happen to
>the good Gambian manners, atleast the manners that some of us were taught 
>adhere to.
> >From: ams boye
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 06:56:35 +0100
> >
> >Mr Jassey, hold on! i`m kind of lost here. Is this not the man that used 
> >call Jammeh a tribalist? Come on speak out, loud up! Explain to folks 
> >how you took a 180 degrees turn over-night to embrace the same tribalism
> >you criticized?
> > The issue here is got absolutely nothing to do with peoples life history
> >or family background, it seems you taking it too personal. And we could 
> >see Joe wrestling you down in an intellectual forum in an objective and
> >practical approach.
> > No wonder all you could grip on to is that which belongs to those of an
> >inferior academic and intellectual mental capability; Tribalism.
> > You are just turning yourself into a bloody lair! aren`t you.
> >Associating Joe`s family ties to Harry. I bet you cannot prove that this
> >gentleman is related to Harry, all you could say is that they`re both
> >Sambou`s. I see no sense in thinking that they`re related simply because
> >they`re having the same surnames. If this is so then how about telling 
> >brothers Lang & Lie Conteh to return to the Gambian people what they 
> >from them.Just to inform you "empty head" these two peole are not related 
> >but that`s not important as far as we are concerned here.
> > Atleast this Joe could be remembered for being a football player, a star
> >player for that matter at saint Augustine`s, young Africans and also 
> >for the gambia even at zone 2 competition, that`s credit for him. And go 
> >St Augustine`s you`ll find his picture there as the captain of the school
> >team that defeated st Michael`s a school in senegal in a football 
> >in senegal. You see, this is a man of substance, and he is academically
> >potent and a masters degree holder for that matter. A successful man in
> >life, and a man of great personality.
> > You see we need to be encountering eachother diplomatically.
> > And you in person should stop being a dummy...will you?
> >
> >
> >
> >Jassey Conteh wrote:
> >As a product of Saint Augustine's High School, together with other 
> >Harry Sambou
> >also a product of Saint Augustine's High School is related to Joe Sambou.
> >Before Joe can
> >preach his political intolerance, he needs to persuade his dear brother 
> >resign from
> >NIA.
> >
> >Also, I knew a lady related to Joe who used to sell palm wine at Dippa
> >Kunda. How did
> >I know her? Well, she used to visit the late Fa Ansumana Sambou, a
> >Karoninka in Faraba
> >Banta, to purchase her inventory of palm wine. The late Fa Ansumana 
> >was also a good
> >palm oil maker. I met her there together with many of Joe's relatives 
> >my relatives sent
> >to buy palm oil for them.
> >
> >As a matter of fact, the late Mr. Sambou was in our Kabilo. Also, when he
> >died some of
> >his family members moved to Faji Kunda.
> >
> >Naphiyo
> >Comrade Jassey Conteh
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Joe Sambou
> > >Sent: Apr 10, 2006 5:18 PM
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >
> > >"I just want to know whether it is true the gentleman is related to 
> > >Sambou? Please if that is the truth why not jump on the phone and call
> >the
> > >brother strengthening the hand of the devil. All Jammeh's dirty work is
> > >done by Harry Sambou at al than decent folks like you and me who don't
> > >subscribe to the erosion of human rights violation folding in our
> >country."
> > >
> > >Now, I can either help you with your inquiry or I keep address other
> >things
> > >as you suggesting, but I can't do both. Nothing personal Abdou, and
> >nothing
> > >is sacred either to be discussed. It is also your responsibility as a
> > >Gambian to also school some of us about Harry Sambou, for I do not know
> >this
> > >guy from Adam, but am interested in his shananigans with Murder Inc. As
> >for
> > >the nonsense you are talking about, I guess I am not addressing what is
> > >happening in Gambia. Darn, what was I thinking, not talking about Yaya!
> >If
> > >you think this is not important, why you request the above?
> > >
> > >Chi Jaama
> > >
> > >Joe
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >>From: abdoukarim sanneh
> > >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > >>
> > >>To: [log in to unmask]
> > >>Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:47:31 -0700
> > >>
> > >>Joe,
> > >> For your information, I am busy with my final month at The university
> >of
> > >>Bolton but also folding events with keen interest. I am move concern
> >about
> > >>Yaya Jammeh's madness than the issues of tribal politics. I will 
> >if
> > >>irresponsible and deep rooted tribal surface on comment on features 
> > >>home period. We are a distant voices with differnt opinion, what 
> > >>now is to focus on Jammeh's crime with impunity than associating 
> > >>Conteh with Sheriff Dibba and the past. Joe, for many years we have 
> > >>struggling to arrest Yaya Jammeh's madness. Why are you alway turning 
> > >>personal. I don't want to question your zeal and determination but 
> >a
> > >>times, joe you turn the debate personal. You have to grow up your
> >childish
> > >>tendency makes me to label you as a self claim activist. It is not Joe
> > >>Sambou I used to phone two or three years ago. Now that Haruna have a
> > >>project to restore the missing link for a united coalition, I hope we
> >have
> > >>to forget and forgive the
> > >> irresponsible comment and work for the wat forward. The 2006 is the
> >last
> > >>chance for Gambia. The signs are historical realistic to save our 
> > >>from living on the edge of endless political conflict as happening in
> >other
> > >>part of our sub region.
> > >>
> > >>Joe Sambou wrote:
> > >> I was wondering where you were for I have not seen your brilliant
> > >>analysis
> > >>lately. I see you smelt death in the air a the vultures have begun to
> > >>circulate. Naah Abdou! Good that you woke up though. While you are
> >awake,
> > >>we are talking about Sheriff Dibba, just so you know. I will hate for
> >you
> > >>to start talking about tribalism and circumstance and confuse us all 
> >the
> > >>process.
> > >>
> > >>Chi Jaama
> > >>
> > >>Joe
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> >From: abdoukarim sanneh
> > >> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > >> >
> > >> >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >> >Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:00:33 -0700
> > >> >
> > >> >Mr Conteh,
> > >> > I just want to know whether it is true the gentleman is related to
> >Harry
> > >> >Sambou? Please if that is the truth why not jump on the phone and 
> > >>the
> > >> >brother strengthening the hand of the devil. All Jammeh's dirty work
> >is
> > >> >done by Harry Sambou at al than decent folks like you and me who 
> > >> >subscribe to the erosion of human rights violation folding in our
> > >>country.
> > >> >We just want to express our humble opinion because the essence of
> > >>democarcy
> > >> >is to tell people what they don't want to hear but so-called self
> > >>proclaim
> > >> >activist react to issues in a different fashion. It is better if we
> >can
> > >> >focus our attention on Jammeh's crime with impunity.
> > >> >
> > >> >Jassey Conteh wrote:
> > >> > First of all, the L is not the venue to decently engage 
> > >> >Secondly, your
> > >> >dear brother Harry Sambou at NIA is doing a nasty job in 
> > >> >Gambians.
> > >> >
> > >> >Before you jump on me, plead with your brother to resign from his
> >post.
> > >> >Maybe
> > >> >sanity may come to the Gambia.
> > >> >
> > >> >The Gambia is not the same anymore.
> > >> >Naphiyo,
> > >> >Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> > >> >
> > >> >-----Original Message-----
> > >> > >From: Joe Sambou
> > >> > >Sent: Apr 10, 2006 12:19 PM
> > >> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >> > >
> > >> > >Conteh, Conteh, Conteh, how can you miss this low hanging fruit? 
> > >>does
> > >> > >this enable Yaya in any way? I do not expect you to speak against
> >your
> > >> > >mentor, but I do not see why you always see a divided people, even
> >in
> > >>the
> > >> > >case of your mentor. Is this not the problem of Gambia - nepotism?
> >You
> > >> >can
> > >> > >talk about others or other things, but not your mentor who fell
> >favor
> > >> >with
> > >> > >his benefactor. Yes, an injustice to any gambian is an injustice 
> > >>all,
> > >> > >but that does not preclude us from talking about the character 
> >is
> > >> > >Sheriff Dibba, does it?
> > >> > >
> > >> > >Chi Jaama
> > >> > >
> > >> > >Joe
> > >> > >
> > >> > >
> > >> > >>From: Jassey Conteh
> > >> > >>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh
> > >> > >>To: [log in to unmask]
> > >> > >>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 11:43:22 -0400
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >>Mr. Darboe:
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >>By taking such an assertion, your statements would enable Jammeh 
> > >> > >>continue on.
> > >> > >>At this point in the struggle, an injustice done to any Gambian 
> > >> > >>injustice for all
> > >> > >>Gambians.
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >>As we continue to be divided, Jammeh continues to control and
> > >>intimidate
> > >> > >>Gambians.
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >>Naphiyo,
> > >> > >>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >>-----Original Message-----
> > >> > >> >From: Lamin Darbo
> > >> > >> >Sent: Apr 7, 2006 2:33 PM
> > >> > >> >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >>SECAKA,
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >Mr Sidibeh:
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > What got into SM?
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > I bet we are dealing with another fabrication, assuming of
> >course
> > >>the
> > >> > >>gist of Mr Mbai's story on the Dibba angle is accurate.
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > As you are aware, the impeachment procedure is a 
> > >>coup,
> > >> > >>and therefore depends wholly on a governmental system grounded in
> >the
> > >> >rule
> > >> > >>of law with its concommittant instrument of checks and balances
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > To tread on the impeachment territory in our current political
> > >> >reality
> > >> > >>is at best suicidal. I don't think Mr Dibba has any suicidal
> > >> >inclination.
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > That said, it is my contention he deserves his plight, and 
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > LJDarbo
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >Momodou S Sidibeh wrote:
> > >> > >> > Mr. Mbai,
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >Many many thanks for feeding us with news in these very 
> > >>times
> > >> >in
> > >> > >> >Gambia.
> > >> > >> >You wrote:
> > >> > >> >"..Sources hinted that speaker Dibba was arrested at 2pm on
> >Thursday
> > >> >for
> > >> > >> >allegedly working with MPS for possible impeachement of 
> > >> > >>Jammeh.."
> > >> > >> >Well, since when did it become a crime to try to impeach a
> > >>persident?
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >As sensational as this sounds, it ought to have been a tactic
> >used
> > >>by
> > >> >the
> > >> > >> >Opposition long ago. Even if they should fail in their bid to
> > >>impeach
> > >> > >> >Jammeh, it would have signaled an important challenge to an
> > >> >unmitigated
> > >> > >> >tyrant. Standing up to a bully is the first law of resistance!
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >Cheers,
> > >> > >> >sidibeh
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >P.S
> > >> > >> >I must admit though, that I cannot stop wondering about old Mr.
> > >> >Dibba's
> > >> > >> >new-found source of courage. What has inspired him to initiate
> >such
> > >>a
> > >> > >> >high-risk covert operation, if indeed it turns out to be true?
> >Chei
> > >> > >>Gambia!!
> > >> > >> >modou
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >>
> > >> >
> > >>
> > 
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