<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

After flying over the week-end I have my usual retracted eardrum, collapsed eustachian tubes from the pressurized plane ride.  I don't fly often because of this problem.   I always use afrin, flonase, ear planes earplugs, water and the other usual things but it happens anyway.  The doc wants me to take Claritin but it has lactose something or other in it.  The pharmacist couldn't find another one that I could take.  Many of them have ingredients that raise BP and those make my blood pressure go sky high.  I am also trying two homeopatic remedies but so far nothing works.  Decongestant needs to be gf, cf, soy free.  Anyone know of something that might work?   The next step will be to incise the eardrum to release the pressure if nothing else works, and they don't do that unless the ear becomes infected and swollen or it hasn't changed  in about 4 or 5 weeks after the flight.  Luckily this happened on the way home from Dr. Kenneth Fine's awesome week-end conference!
Thanks for any information.

Robin in Massachusetts

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