Hi Jabou,

I am not relegating your imput to personal attacks and personality politics 
because i made my point very clear.

I agree with you on the point below but how much energy do we have to spend 
in getting these people back together. If these people represent the 
interest of Gambians i don't see what the problem is. So i guess one might 
rather direct its energy to a victory against AFPRC than a no win situation.

Yesterday on GRTS news Mr Peters went to reconcile with Jammeh and when 
interviewd by the journalist he insist that he is still the Campaign Manager 
of UDP. He sound so confused that i myself got confused as to what his visit 
to the President was all about. I tried to read the papers to really 
understand why this guy went to reconcile with Jammeh but it is still not 
clear to me.

One thing i believe is if we all believe in what we say and do i don't see 
the reason for the split. I agree with you this requires a lot of sacrifice 
and to add to it, it is a test for the opposition as to how prepared they 
are to save our nation. How much they have to give to make sure that 
gambians are free.

The situation at home calls for sacrifice and dedication from all Gambians.

The Struggle Continues!!!
Ndey Jobarteh

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