
Your statement is loud and clear. The Most important thing right now is for 
NADD to busry AFPRC for good. There is no time for personality politics or 
personal attacks, the issue at stake is the kives of millions of Gambians at 
home here.  The break off of Darboe and Hamat is rather and unfortunate 
situation but normal as well. In any orgnisation/party people are bound to 
seperate or take different position best know to them only. I was just 
hoping that there is still room for dialogue and negotiation.

The Gambian people has all their hopes on NADD to win this year elections. 
Talking to people on the ground they are rather diassapointed but they are 
still willing to give their votes to NADD. Most people i spoke are rather 
dissapointed with Darboe's moves and they hope it is not too late.

Gambians ar ready for this change, people are tired, the condition here is 
hard and difficult to bear. The cost of living is very high, no matter how 
much pound sterling/dollars/euros you bring to this country it goes like 

Those people bent on personal attacks they shoudl save it to themselves if 
they don't have any thing important to say to safe the nation. There is no 
time for this, this is the face for genuine changes in the Gambia. Those of 
you who have your families should encourage them to vote for NADD this can 
really help the situation back home. If you can't vote your contribution 
should be to get your family, friends, wives to vote for NADD.

For NADD their is no time to deal with splits, they should concentrate on 
strategy victory against the AFPRC. Even if it means neck and neck with 
UDP/NRP Coalition in the election fine. This spilit is no victory to AFPRC, 
it is just the beggining of Gambians taking their own nation in their hands 
through the ballot box.

The Struggle Continues!!!
Ndey Jobarteh

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