A flag-bearer has been named, and no sooner the lips dried up and the dust 
settles from the announcement, the party’s most senior official is at it 
again.  Lamin WAA Juwara!! This time his target is not just the usual 
suspect, but rather Ousainou and Hamat.  I wonder what lessons Lamin Waa 
Juwara has learned in all these years in politics.
Accusations upon accusations were directed towards Yaya Jammeh all these 
years as being dictatorial simply because he is intolerant when it comes to 
one’s freedom to express himself.  Well the same people who charged those 
charges are witness to these careless and outrageous comments Juwara is 
making in that Ousainou and Hamat do not have the Gambia’s interest at 
heart. Hamat and Ousainou had choices to make and did. And since when does 
one become unpatriotic for not wanting to affiliate with a certain political 
party?  I can never understand how anyone can say that of Hamat and 
Ousainou.  If there is any risk taker over the years in the name and 
interest of seeing a better Gambia, these guys are second to none.  They 
have endure too much and gone through a lot to be characterise as such.  It 
is wrong!!! Maybe Waa’s people need to let him keep down his rhetoric.
And the time to jab these cheap jabs is certainly not now and most 
definitely not for NADD.  For one, NADD does not have the majority in the 
country and if he thinks they can be victorious with the minute minority 
they have and with these kinds of attacks, well he might as well readied 
himself for a big disappointment.  Months ago, I indicated on this list that 
the infighting within the opposition looks troubling, and that for all what 
he is, you never see infighting within Yaya’s party.  I was called all kinds 
of names.  Now, I can say “I have told you so” It came back to haunt them.  
NADD can forget even a 10% point in the election if they choose to start 
their campaign with these kinds of attacks.  Gambian people are tired of 
these attacks, tired of empty talks; rather they would like to see results.  
While Juwara is busy attacking the friends of the opposition, Yaya Jammeh is 
not wasting time building a hospital, a school, a road here and there, or 
telling people what they want to hear because that is what people want.  Waa 
just needs to let people know what he intends to do for the nation and stop 
the rhetoric.  It is about time he realize that he is going nowhere with 
this kind of attitude and frankly could lead to more harm than good for him 
and his party.

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