
I will pray for you and Vernon and also for Gary and jan that they repent 
and come to Christ.  I know it hurts to have someone accuse someone you 
love, but you are right in saying God will repay those deeds.  I pray He 
gives you and Vernon peace and restores what was taken from you, financially 
and in peace of mind.

visit me at
Keep smiling!

>From: Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Some prayer requests
>Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 20:38:41 -0600
>Dear Loving EChurch Family,
>I have a few prayer requests and some info to share with you.
>First of all, I'll share the info with you.
>Last tuesday, our lawyer came over for coffee and to talk and to have
>us sign some papers.
>These were eviction papers for our renters, Gary and Janet Aplan.
>We talked about them, and he red them to us, and we both signed them
>and he noterized them.
>They were delivered to them that day by the Sharriff.
>It basically said they had to be out in 4 days unless they contested
>the letter.
>Then, the florist delivered a beautiful plant to me from my loving Vernon.
>Then, we went and got some hamburger in Iroquois at the meat locker,
>and then we went to Lake Preston to get some cheese at the cheese
>place, but they were closed, so then we went to lunch.
>We saw Gary and Janet's truck in town, and Vernon said they followed
>us to Lake Preston. We had no idea they were going to Lake Preston.
>You know, some times, you just run into people like that. They saw
>us, we know they did, but they did not speak or even look at us.
>Well, the day went on, and on Thursday Gary came over and said they
>were trying to find a place to live in Lake Preston, and that they
>had packed, and that they were moving out.
>Friday he called and  said he would try to get us some money.
>Saturday he called and said they were moving to the low income
>housing in Lake Preston, and that the Catholic Priest here in town
>helpped them find a place.
>Sunday, Vernon thought that Gary was home by himself and he went over
>to ask him when they would be out, so he could clean the house, and
>no one answered the door after he knocked several times, so he went
>on in. There he saw Janet and she said something snotty to Vernon. He
>asked her where Gary was, and she didn't answer, so he just left.
>Later on that night, he saw that the kitchen lights were on, and this
>was around ten PM on Sunday night. He went over to the house, and
>went inside, and no one was there. He found the keys to the house,
>and he found the box of curtains that she was suppose to have hung
>up, and he found a bunch of notes with the curtains.
>He came back over here to ourhouse and read the several pages of
>stuff she had written.
>I will just say this, that they accused us of things we wouldn't
>think of doing, and one of them was spying on her, and Janet accused
>Vernon of following her to the little store one day in October.
>Vernon had gone over to the little store for Michael when he was
>here. He had no idea she was there, until he went in the store, and
>he saw her there. She also accused him of peaking in the garage
>window that goes into the house and watching her, and also she
>accused him of standing in the bathroom with her and watching her put
>on her contacts when she was naked. Oh, the stuff goes on and it is
>horrible. Of course, I know with out a doubt, that Vernon never did
>any of that stuff. She accused him of going into the house when they
>were gone. None of this is true at all. Oh, there were pages of
>stuff, and then on Monday afternoon, he found more notes with more
>accusations that were not true.
>The house is filthy and there is some damage done.
>Nothing was ever said about the money they owe us. They owe us now
>almost $2500.00 with this months rent and utilities up to yesterday.
>Oh, another thing that she said that is that even the police and the
>ministers, and priest here in town thought that it was horrible that
>we evicted them in the cold weather. And of course, did we really
>know it was going to be cold when that letter was written and
>delivered to them? We had no idea what the weather was going to be.
>We found out that no one ever said such a thing to them.
>Then, because the cheese place was closed on Tuesday, Vernon went to
>Lake Preston on Wednesday, and he saw them. Here again, she accused
>him of following them. He did no such thing, as he didn't even know
>they were going to Lake Preston.
>All these things that she said about Vernon really hurt me, because
>they are not true at all. One of the things that hurt me the most
>that she said, was that the reason why we survived the tornado was
>because we had "means" and that we were greedy. That really hurt me
>and I cried for a long time yesterday afternoon.
>Our lawyer called yesterday afternoon to see if they had moved out of
>the house, and we told him they had moved out. We also told him about
>some of the notes, and that we would show them to him. He couldn't
>believe the things she wrote.
>Vernon took all these notes over to our lawyer today, so when he gets
>a chance to read them, he will get in touch with us.
>I don't ever want to see or hear their voices ever again. I know that
>they need prayer, so I will pray for them, but I am very angry with them.
>Please pray for me, as some times I can't stop thinking about all the
>horrible stuff she wrote, and I just cry because it hurts me so much.
>I've been praying to God and asking for peace about this situation.
>We are not going to sue them for slander, unless our lawyer feels we
>should, but I don't think he will want us to do that, so we won't.
>God will punish them.
>We do want our money what is owed to us, though, but we'll probably
>never see it.
>Gary has had 3 jobs in less than a year, only since he lived in the
>rental house.
>We know for a fact he has been talking about us, because he is
>working for Wendell Schubloom, who messed up the cement job we had
>done in Manchester in 1996.
>Oh, I feel so horrible and I know deep down in my heart, and God
>knows that none of the stuff that Janet said is true. It hurts me so very 
>Please pray for Vernon and I. He has been so very sweet and loving,
>and I don't know what I would do without my loving Vernon. I thank
>God ever day for him and his devotion and his truthfullness to me.
>Thank you very much for praying.
>Love you all,
>Pat Ferguson