Hi guys!

Got this from the CookingDownHome list.  Give it a try and tell me how it 


The Arm Test (Interesting)

I got this from a friend, thought I'd pass it along as I found it
interesting also..           Here's something interesting I learned
My friend's son learned this in massage school. It's based on the fact
that everything emits energy - people, animals, plants, inanimate
objects, and certain foods can be "good" for one person but not as good
for someone else, based on the way their energy works with ours. To test
this, hold a package or plate of something in one hand (no foil - it
messes up the results) and extend your other arm out in front of you.
Ask someone to push down on that arm, and the more you can resist the
pressure, the better that food is for you (because its energy makes you
strong). My friend's son's class tried it as an experiment with a bag of
sugar, a banana, and a bottle of water, and they had the items in paper
bags so that the person holding it didn't know what it was.
It sounds kind of crazy at first, but Mom and I have been trying it, and
the results have been very surprising. Knowing that certain food
sensitivities can affect fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc., this is a neat
tool in helping to determine which foods to avoid. I had come to the
conclusion (before I heard about the "arm test") that wheat is a problem
for me, and the arm test results have mirrored that. I was wondering why
Mom's whole wheat crackers make my arm weak, yet a chicken sandwich on a
white bun from Checkers doesn't, and I learned that processed flour
doesn't have the wheat bran and that must be what it is I can't eat.
And, when I eat the Checkers chicken sandwich, it doesn't seem to have
an adverse effect on how I feel.
Then Sunday, I had lunch with a different friend and her son, and I told
them about it. Just out of curiosity, her son suggested we test the
salad I was eating. So I held it and he pushed my arm right down. I
chalked it up to the fact that I was sitting down and that must have
made it harder to resist, because, after all, I was eating a salad - how
bad could that be, right? The rest of my meal was chicken and mashed
potatoes, which I already know I am fine with, and the chicken had
cheese over it. Well, the next day I had all the symptoms I have been
working so hard to avoid, including a migraine, and they lasted until I
went to bed that night. Later, we figured out it must have been the bleu
cheese dressing on the salad, and possibly the cheese on the chicken.
But, funny as it sounds, the arm test didn't lie.
Anyone else want to try it and let us know what you think?