Just as NADD made history against the APRC, they will also make history with 
or without the UDP.  The national interest of Gambians reigns supreme over 
that of any individual or group, including, but not limited to the UDP.  
Gambians forked out their hard earned cash and sponsored the UDP candidates 
for the sake of the national interest, not to mention the countless man 
hours that they expensed.  Now, all I hear is we are the biggest; are born 
to rule; are the opposition, etc.  I wonder what they are thinking?  For 
anyone to think that they can come to battle harden Gambians to peddle such 
garbage and get away with it, they must be out of their fruggin minds.  
Folks, in the next weeks to come when we know the description of this ghost, 
then Gambians will exorcise it/them.  The picture is taking shape slowly but 
surely.  NADD is here to stay with or without the UDP.  Gambians are behind 
NADD not some freaks that think that they owned the country.

I had said that we wait to hear from NADD before we make comments.  However, 
after being reliably informed that the charlatans that were here peddling 
spin on behalf of the UDP, and now no where to be found, have confirmed that 
Ousainou/UDP has tendered their resignation from NADD, all bets are off.  
Folks, we ought to recognize the selfish interests amongst us and call them 
out.  If one comes here to defend the UDP against the false alarm that OJ 
was selected flagbearer, I expect that same person to come out here and tell 
us that their allegiance has severed ties from NADD.  To not do that 
confirms that these folks care less what happens in Gambia as long as they 
got theirs.  How narrow minded and selfish?  No amount of spinning is going 
to get them out of this scam they trying to pull.  Folks, the UDP has waged 
war against Gambians and Gambians are going to meet them half way.  You 
owned Gambia?  We shall see about that.  You are the dominant party over 
NADD?  We shall see about that.  We have a murderer to get rid of, and these 
power thirsty crop want to relegate Gambian aspirations to their craziness 
of a leadership birth right.  Over our dead bodies.

Chi Jaama


>From: Kebba Dibba <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
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>Subject: The National Alliance for Democracy and Development (Nadd) 
>reportedly broke up
>Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 13:47:06 +0000
>       Split!              Written by DO
>       Friday, 03 February 2006
>       The National Alliance for Democracy and Development (Nadd) 
>reportedly broke up on Wednesday with the pulling out of the United 
>Democratic Party (UDP) - the largest component party in the alliance.
>   According to sources, the rupture occurred after Nadd’s high profile 
>meeting on Wednesday when it was expected to finally select a leader. 
>Sources further indicated that after weeks of internal wrangling over the 
>selection of a standard-bearer for the party, the largest opposition party 
>felt belittled and disappointed over the rejection of its leader, Ousainou 
>Darboe in his bid to be Nadd standard-bearer. Insiders at Nadd said UDP had 
>always argued that its leader should be given the chance to contest under 
>the Nadd, given the fact that he heads the largest opposition party in the 
>country. “Wednesday was the final meeting for Nadd over the selection of a 
>standard-bearer. We decided that we will either have our leader, Lawyer 
>Darboe taken as standard-bearer or we say bye to them. Nadd is Nadd because 
>of UDP and without UDP, there is no Nadd. I know they will deny this fact 
>but the prove of the pudding is in the eating. Let them go on their own and 
>we go on our own. Can we accept
>  people who do not even have parties per se to lead us? This is 
>ridiculous. We better allow President Jammeh to win the election than allow 
>an election of joke where foolish and greedy politicians will use us to 
>achieve their selfish needs. Let it all end and in fact, we hope to join 
>hands with a party that is stronger and more serious than those other 
>parties that do not even have agendas,” a senior member of the UDP told 
>this paper yesterday.
>   According to our source,  Nadd’s numerous meetings were nothing but 
>gatherings of hypocrisy, as there was a certain party that wanted its 
>member to lead when it did not even have another party to second his 
>nomination. He said even though that particular party failed in their bid 
>to get their nomination seconded and for that matter, the nominee had to 
>withdraw under the grounds that he was not seconded, they could not still 
>say which other candidate they wanted to support. “They remained neutral 
>and silent. This shows you the type of double standard and hypocrisy they 
>play. It also shows you that they don’t have confidence in any other party 
>or people but themselves. If that is the case then let them be on their 
>own,” he said. Sources have also hinted to the Daily Observer that two 
>camps had emerged in the coalition. The UDP is reported to have been 
>supported by NRP while the PPP goes with Ndam. “But one interesting thing 
>is that there is no only a split in Nadd but there seems to
>  be another one in NRP because one of the NRP representatives in the 
>executive committee gave his backing to Ousainou Darboe (of UDP) while the 
>other gave his own to Omar Jallow (of PPP). So the whole thing is mixed up. 
>In fact, the meetings had been marred by bitter quarrels and arguments 
>about who should lead. “One thing that is important to make clear is that 
>UDP did not even make any nomination, but because of our majority, we only 
>presented our leader as the Nadd flag-bearer which the others refused to 
>pay heed to,” the top UDP man added.
>   Until the time of going to press, the UDP had not officially announced 
>their withdrawal from Nadd, but it has been confirmed that, yesterday, they 
>had had series of meetings with their members country-wide, at their bureau 
>in Banjul with regard to the situation and stance of their party. It has 
>not also been confirmed whether the NRP has pulled away from Nadd with UDP 
>or not. Some UDP supporters who spoke top the Daily Observer yesterday were 
>casting venom on the other members of Nadd describing them as being 
>ungenuine and unserious. Similarly, the other side of Nadd has also 
>described UDP as a power-hungry group that does not have the interest of 
>the country at heart.
>   Reacting to the development, Fatoumatta Jahumpa-Ceesay, a nominated 
>member of the National Assembly and top member of the APRC, said: “This is 
>not a surprise to me. I have always predicted that Nadd would fall like 
>carded wool because they were just a marriage of convenience comprising of 
>people with different ideologies. How do you think they can succeeded. In 
>fact, the amount of hatred and in-fight they have within themselves is more 
>than the one they have for my party. So they have never been a threat to us 
>and for that matter, we were more than comfortable,” she said adding, “this 
>is the first sign of their merciless defeat in the coming elections. I am 
>hereby emphasising my call for Gambians not to take these people serious 
>and continue their support for President Jammeh in his quest to keep the 
>development momentum rolling.”
>     Last Updated ( Friday, 03 February 2006 )
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