> I noticed your domain earlier and checked out your website... the
> difference is staggering!  Do you find that people actually pay
> attention to what you have to say, or do they just nod and dismiss
> you as a curiosity?  That has been my recent experience- I know
> someone who has lost 5-10kg and somehow it's made people MORE
> dismissive of paleo!

Ever since I started the paleo diet, people have been interested, but only
mildly so. It wasn't until I put up that website and let people see the
before and after photos that they started asking serious questions.

I think people might tend to dismiss the short term, small scale loss as it
could likely be due to starvation or improper diet, etc. It's when after 6
months, 12 months, and beyond, that people start to see that it IS a
sustainable diet, that it is possible to lose a lot of weight, be healthy
and happy, and keep it off.

And, as long as I get first dibs at the good cuts of meat, I'd be more than
happy to share the rest to make healthier people of my friends and family.
