On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 14:38, Aria Nadii wrote:

>>Let's nail this once and for all. Very few people like chocolate unless it is mixed with massive
>>quantities of modern, processed foods. Chocolate (that is, cocoa) on its own has very little 
>I'll have to disagree. I think this more projection of American
>and West European cultural preferences than nailing anything
>once and for all. No disrespect or offense is intended. I just
>know this to be untrue from my own perspective and within
>my own cultural experience.
>In the natural diet of many parts of this world, pure cocoa powder
> has a great deal of appeal and a multitude of uses without being
> mixed with sugar or milk or other processed foods.>
>This seems more like a matter of opinion and personal preference
>being presented as an absolute that applies to everyone. I'm sorry
>but it's a little bit ironic to me, being someone from what is usually
>considered a more "primitive" or "backwards" cultural background
>when Western modern tastes are assume to be the measure for
>the natural tastes and inclination of *most* people. ;)
>     Aria
Great post, Aria! I'll admit I made my own contribution from a Western perspective, thinking that i 
was writing for Western readers. It has saddened me in the past to find that we have no active 
contributors from non-Western cultural traditions. So, please keep it up - lovely to hear from you; 
we Westerners should learn a lot from posts such as yours.
