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Re:  "Talk to the Hand" Lynne Truss

I cannot believe that an intelligent person would be
so insensitive as to write: {THE quote}

Celiac disease (gluten intolerance) is a serious
autoimmune disorder that causes extreme suffering,
necessitating the adoption of life-altering regimes in
order to survive and which can
result in intestinal lymphomas and other cancers in
addition to osteoporosis, infertility, malnutrition,
failure of children to grow and thrive, and many other
serious consequences.

It is difficult enough to feed oneself or one's
affected children food that contains not even a trace
of the protein gluten- which is present in every food
plant and restaurant- without widely-read authors
implying that those of us who suffer from this disease
are faddists or malingerers. For shame.

I suggest you or Ms Truss contact the Gluten
Intolerance Group at www.gluten.net or (206) 246-6652
or the Celiac Sprue Association at www.csaceliacs.org
or at (877) CSA-4-CSA for some information about this
very real, very frightening disease, which can strike
out of the blue at any time to previously healthy

 Ms Truss may even get her wish to become gluten
intolerant (and lactose intolerant, since they often
go together); one person out of 133 carries the gene
for it.  The gene can be triggered at any time of
life.. Mary Bourgrif, very
depressed about this unjustified attack on an illness
over which I have no control..

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