Amen Phil.  I know hwat you mean.  Sometimes the harder you try the less happens. 
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> I had about a 30 minute talk with her and gave her until January 16 on
> Monday, a week from this coming Monday, to be moved out. I told her things
> were not adding up concerning her behavior nor was she fulfilling her
> agreements of several months ago. I also told her that her X husband may
> not want to travel across town to put her youngest son in my sister's
> Christian school, which Sandy and I are paying for and Gretchen hasn't ever
> once put a dime on the bill, but if he ends up in public school, it is
> Gretchen's fault and not mind. I asked two point blank questions during the
> talk and she never answered. She said nothing the whole time. You would
> think your children would make you ask for more time or ask for another
> change in the scheduling or would make you ask for help but she said
> nothing. Now Sandy is crying, Taylor, the 6 year old is crying, probably my
> 10 year old grandson, and I feel like it myself. I know the Lord is crying
> about it. The damn devil anyhow.
> Phil.
> Jesus Is Your Problem, Not The Devil. Luke 12:5