Thanks for the update Vinny.  Although it is Tuesday now and I have heard that the conservative party won.  I hope they can clean things up some.  This country seems to be not far behind Canada.  I think countries are competeing to see who can kill God the fastest.  And the winner will die the fastest. 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is 

-KC- Ministries 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]> 

> Hi Everyone, 
> Tomorrow, Monday, We are electing a new prime minister and deciding 
> which party will come to power. 
> The Liberal party is equivalent to the U.s. democratic party, only more 
> liberal--gay marriage, abortion etc. etc. 
> The conservative party is somewhat like our republican party, proclaiming 
> respect for family values, religion, and the sanctity of life. 
> Just as in the states, the liberals run a hard fear campaign, telling 
> Canadians that if the conservatives win, there will be no more choice, sin, 
> etc. 
> The liberals have had to call this election because they were found out 
> for being in a large corruption scandall. This is the first time the 
> conservatives have had a chance to come close to governing in many years. 
> There is a party, more left than the liberals, who are socialist, and 
> another party, which promotes quebec separation from Canada. 
> Please pray for the Lord to have His way in this election. In Canada, 
> people are not aplauded for proclaiming their faith, religion is supposed to 
> just be a personal matter, here. 
> The media here is even more liberal than NPR, if you can believe it, and are 
> anti anything having to do with values. 
> There are pockets of believers in various pplaces across Canada, but 
> basically the country is proud to be multicultural, pagan, and 
> anti-christian. 
> Vinny