Short story.....

My wife and I eat mostly Paleo all the time and my daughter has Celiac Sprue
and 14y/o-ism.  We try not to lecture or harp on her...she already is more
compliant than most celiacs since she can't eat gluten her diet is on the
Paleo side. This is especially true when eating at home.  I couldn't help
myself, when I found out she was eating a potato chip lunch every day at
school I came uncorked. My dear wife walked in on my fuss and says "stop
lecturing her ... she can eat anything she wants for lunch."  I said ok but
did you know that all she eats for lunch is potato chips.  At that my wife
comes uncorked.  If she has potato chips once and a while we ignore it but
if she has gone back to eating only chips for lunch she is keeping it to


>From: [log in to unmask]
>Reply-To: Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Children and Paleo
>Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:14:23 -0700
>Debby > Do you have any kids?  Do/would you teach your kids to eat flour
>and sugar believing they are poison?
>This is a very complicated question and one that vexes me daily.  I have
>four kids.   My younger two are 4 and 21 months old, so they're mostly
>under our control.  But I also have a 4th grader and a 2nd grader who
>eat what they want at school.  Even if we were to control that and give
>them sack lunches, they trade their good food for crap.  Or, what really
>drives you nuts, somebody's having a birthday every other day it seems
>and the moms bring chocolate cupcakes or whatever.  Even if you were
>physically there to do so, how do you deny your child that cupcake when
>everyone else in the room is chowing down on them?
>And as I've said here before, I have in laws who think the diet is
>"stupid."  They spent the night over there on Saturday night and, when
>I came to pick them up on Sunday afternoon, they were having a little
>snack of a bowl of Trix cereal and hot chocolate!  Wind 'em up and send
>'em home.
>I do believe, however, in what my father always said about parenting.
>He said, "they will do what you do not what you say."  If my wife and I
>are faithful to eating the right way, to taking care of ourselves,
>present the facts in a reasonable manner and allow them to gradually
>make more and more of their dietary decisions as they get older,
>eventually you gotta think reason will win out.