I guess I should have detailed a bit more ... Avery has spastic quadriplegia
CP, her right hand is much more use-able than her left ... I don't think a
bike lock would be easy enough.  She will have an assistant (who could be
doing this for her) but we're trying to keep her as independent as possible
... I've been hearing that there are now infrared cordless switches ... I"m
wondering if maybe we could rig up her locker to pop open when she hits a
switch.  Wouldn't that be a dream!?  I guess I'm thinking way too much in
the Jetson's era!!

:O)  Deb

> ----------
> From: 	greta von der luft[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Reply To: 	Cerebral Palsy List
> Sent: 	Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:14 PM
> To: 	[log in to unmask]
> Subject: 	Re: easy lock to use on a locker
> Bike lock. All you have to do is spin each dial to a specific number. =
> There are ones with four dials. Numbers range from 0 to 9 on each dial. =
> Some of them have a pretty skinny wire that I think you would be to =
> thread through the hole. Would Avery be able to handle one?
> Hope this helps
> Greta
>   ----- Original Message -----=20
>   From: Dufour, Deb RQHR<mailto:[log in to unmask]>=20
>   To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>=20
>   Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:22 PM
>   Subject: easy lock to use on a locker
>   Does anyone have any ideas regarding an easy lock to use on a school =
> locker?
>   Avery  is going to highschool soon, and will be unable to use the
>   traditional spin-with-three-numbers lock on her locker.  I've been =
> trying to
>   find something much simpler (that will still protect her stuff) but am
>   coming up empty handed.
>   Any ideas???
>   Thanks,
>   Deb