<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

?Migraines with intestinal spasms remedy continued
12.  October 11 2005 Women's World article "Natural Cures for Migraines" states several things are helpful-
   a.  500 t0 600mg of magnesium daily prevents migraines in about 50% of people in study.
   b.  3 mg of melatonin before bed reduced the number of migraines in 50% of subjects and eliminated migraines in 25% of people on study.
   c.  75mg of butterbur root extract each day.   Petadolex is the product used in study that prooves its efficacy.  Reduced incidence of migraines by 48%
   d.  Trager therapy, a type of massage-www.trager.com
13.  Magnesium good for migraines.  Too much will loosen the bowels.  Son's migraines pinned down to lack of stomach acid, no friendly bacteria, low chromium which controls the body's response to sugars-he was hypoglycemic.  If stomach upset and migraine was usually a sign that he doesn't have enough stomach acid.  Eating a pickle or one teaspoon of apple cidar vinegar in 4 ounces of water followed by a little more water helped.  Naturopath suspects that his adrenal system is very overtaxed from producing cortisol for so many years pre diagnosis of celiac in an attempt to deal with inflammation caused by gluten ingestion.  Trying to strengthen the immune system and reduce sensitivity to foods by doing the following- Chromium 3000mg daily, L Glutamine 2 tsp daily, Quercetin 1/2 tsp daily, Acidophylus Human Strain 1/4 tsp twice daily, HCL with meals 520 mg or one capsule.  Adults can take up to 5 capsules per meal unless feel heat in the gut and then back down on the number of capsules.
14.  Common triggers of migraines are caffeine, red wine, chocolate, aged cheeses, turkey.  Thers cause are going too long without eating, sugar or salt load on an empty stomach.  Non food triggers such as strong odors, bright lights, sun reflecting off the water.  There is such a thing as abdominal migraine which may well be what you have.  Might benefit from a prescription of Levsin.  It is a use as needed pill that goes under the tongue to dissolve when you are having gut spasm.  For this person the generic version (hyocyamine) didn't work.  There is a time release version for folks who have the problem a lot and need to take it regularly.  Oliver Sacks book Migraine particularly interesting and makes a good point about the catharsis.  Each of this persons full blown migraines failed to resolve until diarrhea or vomiting signaled the onset of the end.  Many books about migraines at the library and info on the internet.
15.  A roomate of this person when first sees an aura of light drinks a very small glass of brandy (if there is gf brand of brandy) slowly and wait 10 minutes to see if symptoms go away.  If no relief drinks another small glass of brandy.  She swears in 98% of cases it either makes migraine go away or relieves symptoms to a degree that permits her to funstion.
Migraine is your own private universe of pain and when you have one it is not possible even to carry out simple tasks such as housework or even have simple conversations.  Disadvantages of the brandy cure is that it prevents you from driving for the next 8 to 12 hours.  There are times when you simply cannot reach for a small glass of brandy when you feel the initial symptom.
If you have unusual amounts of stress may benefit from stress management or stress related techniques which it makes a migraine less likely to occur.
There is a link between migraine attacks and dietary tyramine-can cause a hypertensive reaction in people deficient in monoamine Oxidase.  MO is found in the GI tract and inactivates tyramine.

My note: November 1st 2005,  I learned that I have immune reactions to casein(dairy) and immune reactions to soy.    Since elimination of dairy completely (had only been having about a teaspoon or two daily of Land of Lakes butter for several years) and soy which I had been eating to replace dairy for about 18 months, and adding Magnesium as tolerated,  I haven't had a migraine.  On December 3rd,  my naturopath gave me some homeopathic drops called Nux Vomica 6 drops every 10 minutes until the migraine symptoms are relieved.  I have not had a migraine so have not tried the drops.  I am still trying to adjust the Magnesium so no loose stools, and Calcium so no severe muscle spasms.  (See my next question later today on calcium/vit D and Magnesium balance).  I also intend to use stress management tecniques on a regular basis.  I have tried to get into bed by 9:30PM instead of 10:00PM on nights when I need to get up at 5:30AM for work to be sure I am rested..
I can not make too many changes at once as will not know what is working for migraines but intend to talk with my nuritionist at my late January appt.  I am also having a mineral profile and vitamin profile done next week to see what is happening there (One year ago, I was low on all minerals and did not have a vitamin panal). The vitamin panal I need will probably not be covered covered by health insurance.  I am already taking 30 billion of Probiotics daily, enteric coated pancreatic enzyme Lipram UL 18 with food and L Glutamine 4500 mg daily for 8 months and they have all helped in feeling better.  At this time, I am going to continue to use preventative methods for migraines and will try some of these remedies as time goes on.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful information on migraines.  Without my nutritionist, the listmates and The Healthy Villi support group in Wellesley MA,  I know I would not have had enough information to really start feeling better.

Have a happy New Year!
Robin in Massachusetts

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *