On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:08:45 -0600, Ashley Moran
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> (The odd thing about the paleo diet is that
>>> I don't miss or crave the grains.  If anything, I
>>> find myself craving nuts.)
>> mmmm... nuts....
> Quite a common symptom of eating too little fat in your diet...

You're might be on to something there.  I actually wondered if the fats in
the nuts might be behind it.

How much dietary fat should be typical?  I average about 40% of my daily
calories from fat (about 130 grams/day), the rest fairly evenly split
between carbs and protein.

> if you ever binge on fruit or nuts it's a good idea to go a day or two
> eating large amounts of high-fat mince and see how you get on.

I wouldn't really call it "binge".  Whenever I get a craving, a handful of
almonds or a half-dozen brazil nuts will satisfy it. And I don't really
crave fruits -- I rarely want anything more than two pieces of fruit at a

   Robert Kesterson
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