> Modern medicine: Diabetes is an inability to remove sugar from the
> blood- so the solution, OBVIOUSLY, is to eat more foods that raise
> blood sugar rapidly.
> Does anyone else get really, REALLY angry about this - or is it just me?

It isn't you. It is mind boggling and makes no sense at all. I am
a diabetic whose health was very seriously compromised by the
"nutritional advice" of several doctors, it's a sore point.

When I was first diagnosed with Type 2, I was put on the so
called diabetic McDougall diet which is a low fat vegetarian
diet that is not only high carb but extremely high starch. Of
course, I gained a ton of weight, had no energy, was severly
depressed and my condition deteriorated. I figured out pretty
quickly that I should find an alternative on my own.

The McDougall diet actually removed the only foods I was
eating that were the least bit healthy and digestible and had me
eating popcorn with (ugh) margarine for breakfast. The attitude
of most doctors to diabetes is to stuff the patient full of low fat
(re: fake) high starch food and get them addicted to medication

I'm determined to keep my attitude of pronoia and avoid the
more conspiracy minded view of established medicine but that
experience did test my limit. :/
