Re: peeling veggies, there are peeled and cut up packages of fresh
vegetables sold these days, bit more expensive, but I find it's worth
it.  I'm so tired after busy days that I really shouldn't be anywhere
near sharp knives, peelers etc.  Also I buy baby gourmet potatoes and
cook them with the skins on - delicious!  Learnt to cook early on, but
choose now not to - it's not something I enjoy enough to expend all the
energy on.


Meir Weiss wrote:

>Well I got to hand it to my mother
>Way back when I was taught to cook  .
>No I'm not a gourmet chef but I can get by in the kitchen
>Without starving.
>Physically most difficult( to hold )
>Probably peeling vegies with a manual peeler.
>Get yourself a good book on nutrition is what I would suggest.