P - Are you carving these balls yourself?
What are you going to do to ensure that the balls won't go missing again? Are you going to present the classic pyramid of balls? Perhaps doing them as a solid block would make it harder for them to "roll away" again?

-----Original Message-----
From: The listserv that takes flossing seriously! [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 10:50 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [BP] Missing Balls

In a message dated 12/9/2005 2:00:43 A.M. Central Standard Time, Chris/Ralph  writes:

Musket-ball and Sabre Injuries covers a
fascinating aspect of military surgical history; the injuries and fatalities caused by
musket-balls and sabres of the early nineteenth century, and their treatment
by military surgeons.

Ralph writes :
At the risk of looking even more rectal than usual, I'd be willing to bet the farm on the gun-slit windows being the original intelligent design intent
Part of my focus next week is to replace some missing balls.......no not ones lost in battle as described above .These balls have to be big.... ; and they have to be limestone .
Then it occurred to me that missing big balls are what's plaguing  so much of our cultural and political spectrum .
Who has bigger balls ? Those who are for war ? or those who are a-gin it ?
Those who save  warehouse buildings  with sluts ? (..err... slits).
.. or those who save sluts with  slits that have  Egyptian   details  to  die for  ?
Me I can't make sense of it all ,All I know is that there are missing big  balls out there ;perhaps taken by sluts  to put in the slits of all  the Austin Nichols window openings .
My balls ,which I will unveil at the Civil war cemetery next week ,(in front of Doctors mind you), will be, (when finished) ..big cahonnes . 12 " in lovely buff 
. Will there be any sluts there ? Not in the buff anyway as the temps will be cool .But according to my merry  men of grave diggers and stone masons  "all are welcome" 
My subject in front of the thong (err throng ) will be
........... Missing big balls ,what to do? 
If I can goggle down and get pictures and descriptions  from the  above book about saber cuts and missing balls I  will give em a power point they'll never forget. Py