
How about funnels?
Interesting occurence of the disconnect between ray tracing and
intelligent design.
If Bucky Fuller had built a dome over Manhattan it would have
consolidated the waterproofer's industry to perpetual cycles in
territorial zones.
I recollect at one time the new urbanism, say 1800's was to flatten the
earth as mountains and valleys were not efficient.
Having just got back from a week in New Orleans & coastal Mississippi
I'd like to see how Ghery's work would compare against a loose barge.


[log in to unmask] wrote:

> BP'ers:
> I am curious if anybody out there has an inspired term for weep holes
> that slope into a building?  I'm calling them seep holes, although
> I've thought of some better terms that would not be expected to get by
> spam filters.  The sloping brick walls of the Stata Center have the
> weeps and the mortar joints all sloping into the building.

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