If she is phil you do need to love her enough to kick her out.  Father in Heaven we ask that you be with Phil and Gretchen touch them both and give them you peace in this matter.  In your precious name we pray Amen
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> Those who get this before the time comes, pray for me as I talk with
> Gretchen. I believe I mentioned that a couple of months ago we had a talk
> with Gretchen. sandy, my friend Keith, and my son Everett and I sat her
> down and had a discussion with her concerning her life. She agreed to
> several things if she were allowed to stay in our home, that is, to live
> here. Since her brother is her employer and knows what she makes each week,
> she was to give a financial accounting to him personal each pay check
> because her money is going elsewhere and she cannot account for it. Well,
> she doesn't want to account for it. She has never done this once although
> Everett has tried getting her to do so. she was also in agreement that she
> would not smoke cigarettes any more, or any other smokable substance for
> that matter, or she would be asked to leave. She was seen smoking recently.
> Although we all knew she was, it has not been confirmed by someone outside
> the family. She was also in agreement that she would either come to our
> church here at the house or she would find another church. She chose to
> come here and she has begun missing services. She agreed not to use drugs,
> which she had been doing, and she has, without a doubt, been using again.
> She also agreed to pray with me once each week. We all made certain she was
> in agreement with all the rules and Keith, my friend, asked her if she could
> abide by these rules. She said yes but she has reneged on each and every
> promise she made with us at that meeting. So I am going to talk to her
> privately tonight and see what she says. She may be kicked out again.
> Phil.
> Victory Isn't Something You Have; It Is Who You Are.
> www.SafePlaceFellowship.com