On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 11:44:18 -0500, Adam Sroka <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Adrienne Smith wrote:
>> I'm simmering a grass-fed tongue I purchased at US Wellness Meats.  I
>> notice that there is a black spot under the tongue -- flat, black --
like a
>> large freckle or mole.  Any idea what this could ???
>LOL... couldn't help myself.

Ok -- what does a Sean Connery movie about a monk investigating mysterious
deaths have to do with my meat question???

 Anyway -- the spot was on the top, not bottom.  I called the company and
they said it's nothing -- like a mole -- some cows have them, some don't.
I also ordered some lamb hearts (never had them before) and am anxious to
see how they taste.  I'm trying to incorporate more organ meats into my
diet -- broaden my paleo horizens.  I'm managing to eat liver once a week
as well - that's a shockeroo because the smell alone used to gag me out.