Although my weight has stablizied now, I dropped 20 lbs in the first 4 or 5
months of eating a paleo diet and I was not overweight from a BMI chart. I
was 195 lbs @ 74".  I was eating way more calories than I was using based on
what I thought I knew about matabolism.  There seems to be some flaws with
the thermo-dynamic theory of weight management.

I do not eat as much now as I did when I first started eating paleo but
still 2-3 lbs of meat, eggs, vegitables, fruits and fat supplements
everyday.  Most people think I am a pretty heavy eater but I don't know what
that amounts to in calories. I also have recently changed jobs and have been
sedentary for the last 2 months.  No weight gain, however.

I had a physical before I started eating Paleo and had 24% body fat and
after eating paleo for 9 months my body fat dropped to 13%. That would
indicate that I gained a little lean mass and lost 21 lbs of fat.


>>I'm really, really baffled!  Unless there is something odd going
>>wrong with your metabolism, I can't see why you should lose weight on
>>2500 calories a day.  That's loads!!!
>It is a lot, but it doesn't strike me as that unusual -- the "FitDay"
>program I use to track my diet estimates my maintenance calories at about
>3200, and that's about right based on my experience.