Hi --

There's about an 85% overlap between the proteins in different mammalian
milks.  So if your problem is milk protein, then there's a chance that goat
milk (or sheep milk, or whale milk ...) will work for you.  But I wouldn't
suggest trying it if your reaction is severe.

If your problem is lactose, then it probably depends upon how bad your
intolerance is.  But if lactose-reduced milks don't work for you, I don't
see why goat milk would.  Lactose is the same across all mammal milks.

My website includes a link to a university agricultural department's course
on milk.  You may find information there that will help you understand
the ins and outs of different milks.  The link is in the References section.

I hope this helps,
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.

NOTE:  No email is read at my MIT address.  Use the AOL one if you would
like me to reply.