guys.....  i'm getting more & more extrainious characters in emails i get
from this list.  it duznt happen with anyone else.  all kinds of weird stuff
like =20 & =93 etc., etc.....  i'm visually empaired & i use a screen
reader. (my computer reads 2 me alloud.)  so it gets very confusing, hearing
stuff like, hello=20 I=59 would just like=98 to say=20 that i haven't=10
put=93 2=77 & =55 2 =19 together=20!

reading it visually may allow u 2 quickly skip over all the meaningless
stuff but wen yor listening 2 the text, it get very confusing.

Anybody no wat 2 do about this?

>From: Linda Walker <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: May I please have a SCOOBY-SNACK?
>Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 07:09:53 -1000
>Great email!
>At 05:17 AM 12/2/2005, you wrote:
> >its bin documented that non-human animals hav ways of communicating with
> >eachother.  even chickens hav actual words, (I guess, scientists call
> >=93calls=94), for all the different preditors.  so, in affect, a chicken=
>  can
> >say, =93IN COMING!=94
> >
> >dogs hav dun a much better job of learning OUR language than we have,
> >theirs!  & actually, I 4got the =93words=94 I learned!  they hav
>=94 I
> >guess!  they never use certain words next to others=85  I only know the=
>  =93let=92s
> >play=94 posture.  & I guess every1 knows wat exposing yor belly means=85
>  but I
> >don=92t remember the doggie sounds.
> >
> >for CATS, =93meow=94 is also a word, with meaning.  suposedly it means,
>I wanna
> >b yor friend, but don=92t hurt me.=94  =93MEE,=94 of course, means, =93I=
>  wanna b
> >friends.=94  & =93ow=94 naturally means, =93but u won=92t hurt me, will
>u? =
>  cause if u
> >do, I=92m letting u no that I=92ll defend myself.=94
> >
> >we probly recognize som language of higher animals, unconsciously.  we
> >no wat a growl or a hiss means.  we no wen a dog is saying =93=94why u
> >bleerer-bleepin=92 no good so & so!=94  We use the exact same inflection=
>  wen
> >we=92re getting=92 ready to take a bite outta somebody=92s GOOGLE-GOGGLE!
>  & 4 us,
> >a sound like =93ow,=94 is also associated with getting hurt!  (=93mee=94
>  a more
> >friendly sound.)
> >weev long considered other anamals2 b, I guess, 1 step above=85=85.  car=
>  parts?
> >:)
> >
> >BIRDS can think & reason.  they can even speak 2 us in ENGLISH, &=
>  understand
> >wat they=92re saying.  they no their COLORS, SHAPES, & TEXTURSE, they can
> >COUNT & use =93complex=94 logic wen MAKING TOOLS.
> >
> >& of course, chimpanzees can b taught human sign language.
> >
> >hav u guys herd of COCOA the golilla?  wen cocoa=92s pet cat died, she=
>  cried
> >all night.  wen a stranger did something that upset her, she went & hid
> >behind a curtain=85..  wen her =93teacher=94 asked wat was wrong, cocoa=
>  signed, =93I
> >wanted to bite him.=94  but cocoa didn=92t bite anyone.  do these
>=94 sound
> >like
> >=93car parts=94 to u?  :)
> >
> >even I, am still amazed wen I see a pussycat open the bathroom door, (by
> >jumping up & turning the knob,=94 & goin in & turning on the water &
>  a
> >drink!  I can=92t help it!  om just a STOOPID human!  :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: Meir Weiss <[log in to unmask]>
> > >Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
> > ><[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: i lost my bestest buddy
> > >Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 07:33:54 -0500
> > >
> > >  I really believe dogs have a way of talking to eachother
> > >
> > >Once when we were visiting Janet's parents, and I was walking him,
> > >was
> > >this HUGE dog behind a four foot chain-link fence that started barking=
>  and
> > >snarling, and Carhartt got between me and the other dog, and barked,=
>  which
> > >he
> > >rarely does.  The other dog's "bark must have been worse than his
> > >because
> > >he stopped barking, and went back by the house.=3D20