<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for all of the responses to my original posting asking for
suggestions for GF/Dairy Free yogurt! My daughter has been eating the
Wholesoy yogurt and seems to like it. She's 18 months old and quite choosy
already so I consider it to be a good sign when she eats anything. :-)Here
is a summary of the responses I received:

-All silk yogurt is GF as are their soy milk products.
-If you do a web search, you can find recipes for making yogure with coconut
juice/coconut milk.
-Trader Joes sekks a GFCF yogurt that is soy based.
-O'Soy makes some dairy free yogurts that are good to eat.
-Wholesoy yogurt--also wholesoy smoothies--also makes great gf/df ice cream
and df/gf sorbets
-Silk soy--this got the most votes for best taste!
-Homemade nut yogurts
-White Wave Soy Yogurt
-It was suggetsed that the yogurt with the fruit on the bottom is more
tolerable since the active cultures are not destroyed.
-Someone suggested giving her a cal/mag supplement. This is a good idea.
Fortunately, she only has to be off dairy for a month and then we'll try
getting her back on again.
-Trader Joe silk soy
-Soy delicious
-Silk Live soy smoothies (GF/CF)

Thanks again.
Pittsburgh, PA

* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *