<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I hope someone will find this helpful.

Rolaids are very constipating, offer only limited & temporary relief from
heartburn and contain aluminum.  Rolaids & prescription anti-acid
medications (Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Zantac, etc.) give relief, but
actually interfere with normal digestion & absorption of calcium, B
vitamins, proteins and other important nutrients.  With our tendency towards
osteoporosis, anemia & other nutritional diseases, who needs to take a drug
that makes it worse?

There is, however, a wonderful heart burn relief product out there that
doesn't constipate, gives 48 hours of relief and contains harmless, natural
ingredients.  Sounds too good to be true, huh?  It's called HeartBurn Free &
is made by Enzymatic Therapy (or PhytoPharmica, same company).  A naturopath
recommended it to me several years ago when I was really struggling with a
severe case of reflux disease.  HeartBurn Free gave good relief & helped me
get a handle on fixing my digestive problems w/o screwing up my nutritional
status like anti-acids do.  My naturopath told me that HeartBurn Free can
actually heal an inflammed stomach & esophagus if used as directed for 45
days in a row.  (One capsule every 48 hours.)

If you find youself reaching for the Rolaids often, I'd strongly recommend
you read WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright MD.  It
contains helpful information that's not found anywhere else I've seen.  This
book changed my life & made a significant contribution to my recovery 4
years ago.

Valerie in Tacoma

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